Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Not a Fan of University Classes

So I decided to take it upon myself this fall semester to register for only two studio classes (Painting and Graphic Design) and fill the rest of my roster with GenEds. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Temple's "General Education" Program, picture being lobotomized two to three times a week, while being bombarded with messages like "Diversity matters" and "Today we will be discussing what identity means" or even "URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator; you will have a quiz on this." It's pointless, mind numbing and required by the University if you plan on getting a degree.

So I devised a way to change this. For the past two days, even though it was the first day of classes I have been diligently taking notes. Below, I present my notes from the past two days, with commentary.

Perhaps I'll upload some more notes, but for now This is just so you get an idea of how I can intensively "doodle" productively. I started the next page with "Cyberspace and Society", which due to the fact that it is 5:30-8:00 PM, I managed to get almost a half page (we even got out early). Can't wait to see what my Painting and Graphic Design notes are like!

EDIT: Here's a link to the full size

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